Call for papers 2024

Submitting A Paper:

The closing date for submissions is Tuesday, 30 April 2024. Participants will be notified of the programme selection by May 2024.

Papers from all areas of finance are welcome. We encourage submissions of papers by junior faculty and preliminary papers. Abstracts will not be accepted. If you have questions, please send an email to

The submission fee is £50 per paper. The fees are non-refundable and support administrative and other expenses related to the conference. The fee is waived for PhD students.

Please do not include the names and affiliations of the authors on the draft. 

To submit a paper, please follow the 3 simple steps below:

STEP 1: Click here to submit the paper submission fee of £50  

Student ID/Customer code = FINSS2024YOURSURNAME

Invoice number/Course Code =   154025148

STEP 2: Register your details here

STEP 3: Submit your PDF format paper via email (with no names and affiliations) to The subject of your email should contain the title of your paper.